California, here I come!

I was lucky enough to travel to California to visit friends and do some aikido training. I was excited to visit Chushinkan Dojo and meet Nakayama Sensei, someone whom I had met a few times already and admired his aikido and enthusiasm for life. I have to admit that it was a bit of heaven on earth. Daily training, usually more than once a day, as well as gym workouts. Then, oftentimes we would get together in the evenings and enjoy life. I was also introduced to iaido, which was already on my wish list to study one day.

Nothing can quite compare to a life where each day brings you a challenge, with the goal just out of reach so you're always giving your best. Just for fun, I even did tai chi once a week. There were a couple of aikido seminars that I was able to attend - and they are always fun! Meeting new people, re-connecting with others, receiving instruction from wonderful senseis, and rolling around, what more can you want? Those are the days when water has never tasted better!

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Before I get technical, here are some snapshots of some fun times!

Ethiopian food & coffee
This was definitely an ethnic experience! Our coffee was hand roasted, ground, then filtered! Delicious!

It was great to see Iryna and Brian, our California friends. Despite the fact that we live states apart, we try to hang out whenever we can! We finished this wonderful day with hand-made Vietnamese spring rolls.

Korean BBQ
Cressida, my gracious friend who let me stay with her during my trip, planned a Korean BBQ night with friends. This is one of my favorite places to eat. Yum!

We took a nice hike with a view of the beach. It was a gloriously hot day. We worked off a few pounds!

Ice cream crepes & shaved ice
A nice refreshing treat at the end of the day!

Hanging out
A bunch of us hanging out after class one day. Alex was giving us a chemistry lesson with ponzu and popcorn. Snap, crackle, and pop! ;)

~ ~ ~

Now time for some serious fun!

I was happy when I realized that I was going to be a part of the iaido classes. Just learning the basics was a challenge, but a fun challenge. I can just imagine how powerful, clear, and meditative iaido will feel after I've practiced it for some time. I'm looking forward to it! 

As for my most memorable moment learning iaido... I remember being surprised at how hard it was to learn how to draw the katana (sword) out of and put it back in the saya (scabbard). I thought my arms would fall off the first time, I didn't feel like I was strong enough, and there was no way I would ever be able to do these motions smoothly. Also, there was one time I was practicing in my friend's backyard. I leaned over to pick something off the ground, and before I could react, the katana drew itself out of the saya (just a few inches, because I'm pretty close to the ground already. ;) ) and the bottom of the hilt made contact with the ground. I'm glad I didn't have time to react, because if I did, I might have grabbed the sharp blade of the katana to keep it from "falling." (potential ouch!) Apparently, this experience happens to everyone... Of course, once I got the hang of things, I kicked-ass (from my point of view). Yes, there is much room for improvement -- but I also enjoy cheering myself on. :P

Iaido lesson, and the first time I wore a hakama!

I was lucky enough to have some aikido training outside of class with Nakayama Sensei and Dyer Sensei. We practiced in backyards, parks, and at the gym. Since I was only visiting for a short time, we focused on weapons for the first bit, and then basic principles of free hand techniques for the remainder of the time. We worked on the 'mechanical principles,' namely, the basic mechanics of the body - extension, footwork, making the most with the least amount of effort, and more!

Memorable moments: The first one was trying to figure out why my shomen strikes looked so funny! I think I eventually started cutting right, but I had a hard time getting the right feel for it. I admired the fact that we were striving for a 'natural form.' Sensei didn't tell me where to put this arm and that arm and this leg and that leg. He helped me in a way where at the end, he would say "Yes, that looks natural. Now just keep practicing." I had a few 'aha' moments - when we were practicing a technique, and something just clicked. For example, lets say I was repeatedly told to make a 'circle.' I finally did it right once, and then realize what Sensei has been telling me this entire time. "Oh, I get it! A circle!" haha. After each practice session, my mind would be stuffed full of information! It was like a Thanksgiving feast every time. My brain would say to me, "That's enough! That's enough for today! I'm going to explode if you do any more!" It was always a great time. If we practiced at the gym, I'd hop on the elliptical machine and see if I could mentally run through everything I had just learned. 

Practicing tsuki with the jo.

Outside of class, there were no mats, so during class I made sure I got thrown around, and then returned the favor! Everyone was always cheerful and kind.

Memorable moments: Practicing hanmi handachi during an entire class with Sandra, and working with Mark, who was gracious enough to help me with some jiu waza techniques. Thanks guys! Certain classes are 'free practice' classes. I was not used to this, and my first 'free practice' class was quite uncomfortable, though I tried to relax and just let things flow. Subsequent classes became more comfortable, and hopefully my techniques also improved. I did spend one 'free practice' class doing ikkyo. Just ikkyo, the entire class ...and you'd think my ikkyo would be good by now.  ;)  Also, I can't not mention the feeling of Sensei's eyes on my back with a disapproving look on his face. As soon as I heard him say "What are you doing?" I knew that I, or my partner, was doing something wrong!  :P  The overall atmosphere of class was very positive, everyone working to improve their own techniques as well as help other aikidokas by being good ukes. 

Dyer Sensei gave me some much-needed tips on my breakfalls, and many other techniques! She also helped me a lot with transportation since I didn't have a car, and showed me around Orange County, which is a great place for shopping and visiting arboretums!  :D

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In closing, I'd like to say that this was definitely an unforgettable experience. I think I'm ruined for life - I'm not sure I'll have that much hard-working, care-free fun again! I look forward to more aikido training, in whatever form it comes in!  :D

Arigatogosaimashta Sensei!

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PS. If you'd like to see my pages and pages of aikido notes, come on over and we'll practice as we go over them together.  :) 

Also, a thank you to Iryna, Dyer Sensei, Cressida, and Oanh, for letting me use some of the wonderful pictures you took!

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