WEEK 3 (part 3 of 4)
This week was an enjoyable week, getting to know my fellow kenshusei members better, and also having a good time hanging out with the Chicago aikidokas! I think Amjith leaving somewhat forced me to reach out and connect further with the other people around me.
Test pictures were taken by Suzanne and Ray Donovan.
Thanks for the great shots!
The exams were amazing to watch. I did not test, but I was able to take uke (be thrown around) for a few test-takers. Toyoda Sensei had a special unexpected treat for the kenshusei that tested (Alex, Carlos, and David) - they were given an extra technique to push their skills. The top left pic is of Alex during his second(!) randori, the middle right pic is of me taking ukemi for Yu-Chieh, and the bottom left pic is of Maggie taking ukemi for Jason. Additional pictures can be found at flickr: aikidoworld.
Lake Michigan! I took several excursions to the lake by myself - sometimes to collect my thoughts, be at peace with nature, or just to have an enjoyable bike ride. Here are some pictures I took on July 20th:
Dim sum in China Town! On July 23rd, Rehrahuer Sensei treated all of us (Toyoda Sensei, the entire kenshusei group, Littie, and Julieta) to a wonderful meal of fresh dim sum! It was delicious, and for some of the boys from Spain, it was their first dim sum experience.
Image courtesy of Julieta |
Game night at Tenshinkan Dojo! Sat. July 24th. It took me a couple of days before I realized that this event was not in celebration of Pioneer Day - hey, what can I say? I grew up in Utah! There were lots of homemade treats - delicious cakes, cupcakes, Star Wars cookies, chips and guacamole, etc! Oh, and of course, delivery pizza. I was introduced to Woodchuck by Chris. I had one in my hand not even 5 minutes into the party! We spent the night playing card games and board games. The first game I played that night was Egyptian Ratscrew - a slapping game! I used to love quick card games, but I have to say that I've lost some of my speed. Catherine, Rob, and Toyoda Sensei were all really good though! Congrats to Toyoda Sensei for winning after a long, intense game! I also learned how to play Settlers of Catan, which I had heard so many good things about. We were all new to the game, so we didn't quite set it up right. It was fun, but I'll have to play it properly next time! To end the wonderful night, Paige and I sat on the roof, ate watermelon, finished the last Woodchuck, and enjoyed the cool night air.
AIF Game night pics courtesy of Jordan McClure. Thank You!
It seemed like the days were getting shorter and I was beginning to feel like time was running out. How was I supposed to learn everything about aikido in just one more week?