Kototama: spirit sounds
Kototama (also kotodama) is a system of cosmology and mysticism. It has to do with describing the universe through the vibrations of sound; there are mystical powers in words and names. Remember your childhood stories, where if a person successfully guesses or use someone's true/real name, they have some kind of power over that person? Think of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin, or modern day stories found in the anime Yozakura Quartet, where one of the character's special powers is the ability to use words to conjure and summon objects. An abundance of such fairytale examples can be found here.
Religions from the East and West all refer to sounds/words as well. The root of Shintoism (kojiki) contains principles of kototama, as well as Buddism, Hinduism (such as the well-known mantra "OM"), and in the Jewish teaching of kabbalah. Even the Bible states "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."
For Morihei Ueshiba, founder of aikido, kototama was the spiritual basis for his martial art. He said that "Aikido is the superlative way to practice kototama. It is the means by which one realizes his true nature as a god and finds ultimate freedom." However, most aikido instructors today do not stress kototama. Since the founder of aikido was interested in kototama, I think it deserves some attention.
The concept of kototama very complex. It describes the process of creating the universe through specific sounds/vibrations. For this post, and due to my limited understanding, I'm going to keep it simple and focus on some of the basic sounds, and how you can interpret the sounds of your kiai to better understand its meaning.
Lets start with the vowels: U - O - A - E - I
Each vowel represents a new development in human evolution.
O - (as in "toe") - constructing ideas, inventing, being ambitious
A - (as in "all") - reflection, contemplation, longing, emotions, appreciation of art
E - (as in "bed") - ethics, judging, knowing right from wrong
I - (as in "see") - the highest stage, the life force, everything is new, 'reborn'
UI - starts with the basic vowel, moves up the evolution ladder, and ends with the evolved vowel. This signifies that the movement made during this kiai lacks nothing.
EI - a very traditional kiai. It stresses the ethical and brings it to light. The movement made with this kiai contains moral integrity, with intention to give life, not take it away. A kiai which starts at the top of the ladder and goes down is not a common kiai.
they are directions; they must be paired with a vowel to make sense
they are directions; they must be paired with a vowel to make sense
N - attracting
Y - distancing
R - whirling
M - revolving
K - scratching
S - piercing
T - spreading
H - developing
WU - origin
WO - memory
WA - sense
WE - ideal
WI - change
So, what does your kiai say about you?
Kiais should fit the type and purpose of an attack.
Kiais should fit the type and purpose of an attack.
SO - for breaking objects. S for the penetration, O for the technique.
SI - to invigorate the person you attack. S to pierce, I to enlighten.
R, M - both suitable for aikido, as they signify whirling and twirling.
UO - basic kiai for an attacker. U states basic aggression, while O makes the attack effective.
EI - the defender's response to "UO." E, the defender corrects the movement, and I, gives it new life.
iriminage example:
KE can be used when first making contact, to correct your partner (redirect), then when finishing the technique, use TE to spread and transform your partner's energy. Alt: SU can also be used when first making contact.
SI - to invigorate the person you attack. S to pierce, I to enlighten.
R, M - both suitable for aikido, as they signify whirling and twirling.
UO - basic kiai for an attacker. U states basic aggression, while O makes the attack effective.
EI - the defender's response to "UO." E, the defender corrects the movement, and I, gives it new life.
iriminage example:
KE can be used when first making contact, to correct your partner (redirect), then when finishing the technique, use TE to spread and transform your partner's energy. Alt: SU can also be used when first making contact.
"U - A - WA"
"U - A - WA"
1. (U) initial chaos of the attacker = the world before it's creation (attacker strikes)
2. (A) transformation into beauty (defender's initial movement and leading the attacker)
3. (WA) sense of realization = completed creation of the world (final throw or pin)
"Kototama is not only an abstract cosmology of vibrations.
It can be practiced - either in itself, by chanting the sounds
as a way of self-purification, or in aikido,
in order to fill the techniques with meaning."
- Stefan Stenudd
It can be practiced - either in itself, by chanting the sounds
as a way of self-purification, or in aikido,
in order to fill the techniques with meaning."
- Stefan Stenudd
Everything discussed in this post is by no means comprehensive. The concept of kototama should be pondered and studied by each individual in regard to any personal meanings it may bring to you.
If you feel so inclined, you are challenged to figure out what AI-KI-DO means in terms of kototama. (hint: "DO" will be translated as "TO")
This blogpost was inspired by, and based on, Aikido: The Peaceful Martial Art, by Stefan Stenudd.
Additional info:
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WY5D4Sk_pU&feature=related
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAnDdTWupI8&feature=related
3. http://www.kototamabooks.com/
4. Reiki: The True Story: An Exploration of Usui Reiki by Don Beckett
5. Aikido and Words of Power: The Sacred Sounds of Kototama by William Gleason
6. http://shobuokugyo.blogspot.com/
1. Aikido: The Peaceful Martial Art, by Stefan Stenudd
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotodama